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Bmpro Lithium Upgrade of J35 and Batteryplus35 Battery Management Systems

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If you have a late model BMPro or Jhub Battery management system we can upgrade it for the cost of a high quality lithium battery.

Why use BMPro Zeal Batteries?

BMPRO choose to compliment the upgraded systems with a reliable lithium battery endorsed by BMPRO. These quality batteries have been rigorously tested over the past 3 years within our in house testing facility in Melbourne, to ensure 100% full compatibility and functionality with our BMPRO systems. The batteries come with a 3 year warranty, and full IEC certification, the only one of its type distributed in Australia.

In summary, by using BMPRO endorsed batteries we maintain the compatibility, reliability, integrity and functionality of the BMPRO complete system, which in turn provides the customers with a peace of mind and confidence with a quality, reliable power management system that will serve them well over time.

To help size batteries here is recommended inverter matching:

  • 100Ahr – up to 1200W inverter
  • 200Ahr – up to 2000W inverter (can handle 3000W at peak only)
  • 300Ahr – 3000W inverter

Only certain models of J35 and BMPro35 can be upgraded to a lithium profile.

To do this upgrade we need to confirm your Battery System is compatible - we need to remove the battery manager and make your system safe - then the unit is return ed to BMPro for the upgrade - it is delivered back to us with the chosen battery and we reinstall and test.

The Battery Management pack is then given an 1 year warranty.


BMPRO has been at the forefront of introducing Lithium batteries to the Australian RV market and now takes that one step further. Recognising that the cost to both install Lithium batteries and change to a dedicated Lithium charger is expensive BMPRO now has the capability to upgrade certain existing J35 and BatteryPlus35 systems. This program is only being offered through dedicated BMPRO dealers.


  • J35/BP35 Lithium Upgrade
  • Zeal 100Ah Lithium Battery ($1599)
  • or Zeal 200Ah Lithium Battery ($2499)
  • Installation Costs
  • Additional Warranty*

The Revision number for the above items will either be on the front or the back of the unit. For the J35 models, the Revision number is located on the sticker on the front of the unit. For the BP35SR model, the Revision number is located on the sticker on the rear of the unit.

*Additional 12 months Warranty if J35/BP35 being updated is out of warranty. If unit being updated has over 12 months left of the original warranty period, no additional warranty is issued.

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